Change footprint on multiple components


New here.

I have a problem updating the footprint. I have multiple same components on a pcb with footprint that have a mistake.
I updated the footprint, but it only changed on one component. Not sure how to proceed.

This is something that I took a minute to figure out too. If you double click a footprint on the PCB editor, you’ll see 2 options that are notable for this problem: “Edit Footprint…” and “Edit Library Footprint…” If you want all components with that footprint to update, you’ll have to hit the “Edit Library Footprint…” button.

However, if what you’re using is in the default KiCAD library, you’ll have to create your own custom footprint library, copy it over to that library, and edit it there. This is because when KiCAD has updates, it’ll rewrite any changes you made to the KiCAD libraries back to the default.

Once you made the changes you like, click the “Update Footprint from Library…” button and you should be good to go!

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in the update dialog box, you must select update all footprint or update footprints with library id ;…


Hello and welcome @Zan_Bevcar

Another method, which I prefer, is this:

Edit > Change Footprints.

As well as changing from one footprint to another, if the footprint used is in a personal library, edit that footprint to correct it, leave it in the same library with the same ID and in the “Change Footprints” place the same library ID in both places and the corrected symbol version will appear on your PCB.

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