Change Annular Ring Size

Hello Forum Members,
I am trying to build an Ergo Split Keyboard. I have contacted a couple of fab houses to have my pcb fabricated.

Both of them have responded with the same issue that is, “The current annular ring is 0.05 mm, while the required specification is 0.15 mm.”

I have a couple of Questions :

  1. Should I and Can I change the Annular Ring Size, would it effect the functionality of pcb or it’s structural integrity.

  2. If I CAN change it may the members please guide me on, how to do so ?

Here is the github link for the for both the projects :

  1. Lily58 Pro
  2. Sofle V2

I wanted to attach gerbers for the projects but being a new member I am not given access to that function. Gerbers for Sofle V2 are available at github and those for Lily58 Pro need to be generated.

I am quite new to Kicad and PCB designing in general and do not possess any prior knowledge about this topic. My interest lies in building an Ergonomic Keyboard for me. I sincerely ask for all responses to my post to keep that in mind. I will try my best to be helpful and keep my replies as detailed as possible.

I understand that their required specification is 0.15 while you used 0.05 at you project.
Their requirement comes from their accuracy in drilling holes.
You must understand that holes in PCB are not made with such precision as you see them at the project. If you have too small annular ring and go with track to one direction from your pad or via then if it happens that hole will in real PCB be drilled not in the copper circle center but shifted toward your track your track can be cut off. To avoid this factory specifies the minimum annular ring. If you need smaller search for factory having such precision. But 6 mils (0.15mm) is a kind of typical standard, I think.

Thanks for the reply Piotr. It was very insightful.

Considering I know nothing about PCB Designing and Kicad,
Do I have a chance or way to make project wide changes for Annular Ring Sizes, that too easily.
Because I am not the creator of these projects I just have them cloned for generating gerbers.

If I am not able to perform these changes easily, I would rather buy a whole kit from one of the sellers.

I checked Lily58, importing it to the current KiCad v8. For that design, there’s one way to make the manufacturers happy (in this respect) without causing other changes. The drill holes of vias are now 0.4 mm. Most modern manufacturers, including the cheap, big, Chinese ones, can do 0.3 mm. Making the hole smaller makes the annular ring larger because the outer diameter is the same.

However, I wouldn’t trust this design. There are several actualized or potential problems which need to be at least reviewed, if not modified. I don’t know if anyone has ever really made and used this keyboard or if it’s only a concept – I’m not going to view videos or find out in some other way.

Thanks eelik, for the reply.

I though of the same scenario, even if I were to bring about the required changes god knows if it would even work as intended or not.

I tried to find out if this issue was faced by anyone before me on multiple forums and subreddits but could not find any answer to this problem there either.