Can't see left over rats nest during routing

I am making a PBC for a keyboard. In KiCad I routed all my rows and columns to my nice!nano, however it still says that I have 62 routs left to route. I do not see anything on the rats nest apart from x above my diodes. I have restarted KiCad multiple times so it probably isn’t a bug.

I need to finish this PBC within the next two days son any urgent help will be appreciated.

What KiCad version are you using? There are some tab pages missing on the right side.

Yours looks like:


Mine has tab pages for Layers, Objects and Nets next to each other.


Dragging the width of that section may fix it, but the little arrow / triangle makes the rest accessible to, so it’s not such a big deal.

What is the result if you run DRC? This does not only show which errors KiCad thinks there are, but also their locations.

Some other wild guess, maybe there is some stuff “left over” somehow far outside the PCB. I’ve seen some occasions where a duplicate set of footprints gets imported in the PCB editor.

If that does not help, you can gain some “experience points” and upgrade yourself so you can upload the project. Having the project makes it much easier to diagnose.

Is this message coming from Freerouting?

And icons across the top missing. This is not Kicad 8.

This routing certainly looks like an autorouters’ effort.

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I’m mostly confused by this sentence. I’ve never seen KiCad tell me something like this. Do you mean 62 unconnected items in DRC?

@Mineotopia : see statusbar in the picture: “Unrouted:62”

@jmk : I think it’s Kicad8 (see left toolbar - the grid-locking icon was only introduced in v8). But the pcbnew standalone version (see File open icon in top toolbar).

@Dimp :

  • It looks like you have used the pcb-editor (pcbnew) in standalone mode. This is not recommended.
  • the crosses you see are most probably the unconnected ratsnest. So there must be something on the bottom side below your diodes which is not connected.
  • read and follow this nice FAQ-article (New Member Information) to promote yourself to a professional forum user. WIth that user-level you are allowed to attach a complete kicad-project (kicad main manager–>file–>archive project) or the kicad board file (if you don’t have a project)
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You know, I’ve used KiCad since 10 years ago, I’ve never noticed that

I’ve counted 63 elements on this PCB, are you sure the traces have the correct nets?


And I also was taught something: I’ve never used Kicad standalone.

It would be really, really nice if the OP actually explained everything they use and want, instead of leaving those who are asked to spend their time guessing.

To the OP:
What is your Kicad version?
What is your OS?
What do you want?
How did you arrive, and what did you use, to arrive at your current result?

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At Windows task bar I have placed icons to open:

  • KiCad main application,
  • Schematic standalone,
  • PCB standalone,
  • KiCad gerber viewer.

I use standalones to temporarily open another project schematic or PCB when working on current one.
I use opened standalone schematics to collect from previous projects sections that will be used in new project (like RFID or RS485 section).
During last week I practically all the time have (at the second monitor) the other PCB opened and I “Copy with reference” mainly crosses at my “Help Lines” user layer. I am designing 4 PCBs that will be stacked one on another so I have to synchronize some things between them.
I also sometimes use standalone to make some small change in another project while still working at current one. Standalone for these purposes seems for me simpler than opening second KiCad instance.


No I haven’t either, to be honest I don’t think I even know how :woozy_face:
But this highlights the need to know about what plugins are being used and version numbers etc.
It was clear that no human would route like this.

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