I installed 2014-12-16 BZR 5324 and tried to open some of the demo projects. All the projects open without any problem but pcbnew won’t open the board file. It always gives the following error. (They worked with the previous version I was using)
IO_ERROR: Layer ‘Dessous.Adhes’ in file ‘/Users/chamod/Desktop/demos/video/video.kicad_pcb’ at line 21, is not in fixed layer hash
from /Downloads/cairo-1.14.0/builddir/kicad/pcbnew/pcb_parser.cpp : parseLayers() : line 818
However, the boards i’ve designed with previous versions open without any issue.
Not a (current) bug as such, since it is not so in upstream. A previous version of kicad, I don’t remember when, was saving layernames translated. This should not be possible anymore.