Can't I flip a foorprint, without flipping the footprint to the opposite layer board?

I got traces like ethis
if I hit F, it flips, but it also place the footprint in the other end of the board

if I hit F, it flips, but it also place the footprint in the other end of the board

That is the normal behaviour of the flip operation.

If you have a real device and flip it (physically, on your desk) you will see that you have to solder it on the bottom side of the pcb - otherwise the pcb-pads will not match with the device-terminals.
Only exception are symmetric pinheaders - but than the pin-mapping between schematic and board is reverse. So if you want to “flip”, but don’t want place on the other pcb-side: you have to change the net-assignment in the schematic editor.


you’re right… thanks

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