Can't generate BOM in kicada(SOLVED)


I’ve been trying to generate some proper kicad BOM for quite a while and the software simpley won’t let me do that in any way recently I’ve been following this tutorial about how to generate a kicad BOM and when I execure the generate command this error shows up:


latest KiCad nightly version
Windows 10

You have a mixture of different path separators: “” and “/”
Maybe this is the problem.

this is the command line node “C:\KicadBOM\KiCad_BOM_Wizard.js” “%I” “%O.csv” “CSV”

Do you have Node installed? And is it on your PATH?

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Great that did work!

Had to download the software and add it to path variables.

Thanks you!

How do I convert this to an answer?

You should see a ‘marker/pencil’ by the title? If not just choose to modify your original post.

edit: I just went ahead and added it for you. Let me know if you meant something else.