Can't find user scripting path after install Kicad 9.0

I installed Kicad 9.0 and I’m getting errors when I start it:

"4:06:10 PM: Directory ‘C:\Users\nnnnnnnnnn~OneDrive\Documents\KiCad\9.0’ couldn’t be created (error

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4:06:10 PM: Could not create user scripting path C:\Users\nnnnnnnnnn~OneDrive\Documents\KiCad\9.0\scripting\plugins."

I never ever use OneDrive and I don’t know why the install decided to use it as the location for this stuff.

I went to Preferences, Configure Paths and found a couple of other things set to use OneDrive it their path also and I changed those. But I can’t find where to change the user scripting path thing. I tried reinstalling Kicad 9.0 and I never see any place during the installation that I could enter what I want the path to be.

While searching for a solution, I found someone mentioned Scripting Console under Tools, but my Tools drop down menu doesn’t show Scripting Console.

Can someone please advice how to I fix this?

Thanks ;~)

KiCad just uses what the system tells is your home folder. Apparently you don’t use for example your Documents folder?

Its the current way or doing “roaming profiles” . . all your User specific stuff, Desktop, My Documents, Pictures, etc. is no long stored in a “Profile” on your PC, but is in One Drive, this allows you to take it with you when you move to a different PC if you are hot desking for example.

If this is your own personal PC then it’s all on you to figure this out . . .

I use the Documents folder but for some reason my PC shows a Documents folder on my hard drive and another Documents folder on the OneDrive and it won’t let me delete the one on the OneDrive. Anyway, I installed an update to Kicad 9 and messed with some initial choices when it prompted me and now it seems to be working.

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P.S. Sorry, I should have posted that question in the software forum. ;~)

You can change the category yourself by clicking on the pencil near the title. But it’s a toss up whether it would be better under Software, and anyway you got your answer.

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