Can't create footprint in 5.1 or nightly

It’s there but not there.

Why do you post a screenshot of “Create New Project”?
There is no need to create a new project.

KiCad should supposedly be able to work with file names with spaces in them, but I stopped using a path or file name with spaces some 10+ years ago so I won’t know. I rather avoid such un-ambiguities. It also makes command line completion a lot easier from a terminal.

How do you put a new footprint in your custom library? For me the copy & paste with the right mouse button works. There are several ways to do this. Maybe you did it wrong, or encountered a bug with your method.

5.1.10 has been finalized and tagged, there just hasn’t been a blog post yet. We’re in the grey area where it is available on most systems but not yet all.

In this context “release build” is referring to how the executable was compiled (i.e. without debug symbols, and with various other options disabled that are useful to developers but not end-users), not whether or not the kicad version has been officially released. A “release build” is the opposite of a “debug build”

It’s not a screenshot. It’s an animated gif that walks through all the steps. You might want to check your browser if you just see a still image.

Every time I install a browser I completely disable animated gifs on purpose.
They are mostly used for annoying advertisements, and I rather do without.

So I downloaded your screen recording and watched it.
Your Copy & Paste is pretty similar to mine and I have no idea why it does not work for you.

Gif animations are annoying in this context. It’s not possible (easily) to handle them as videos, for example make them fullscreen and slow them down or pause them. It’s very difficult to watch a fast paced gif video while not being able to pause it in order to think or test the steps. It also repeats itself so that’s it’s disorienting when you don’t clearly see when it has ended and started again from the beginning.

Therefore, please, everyone, use real videos.

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Also, compression rate of animated GIF’s is quite horrible.

On my Linux box I’ve used VokoScreen a few times. It took me about 5 minutes to get to know it enough to make a screen recording and post it as an mpeg file.

OK, cool. Many forums don’t allow videos to be uploaded but gifs still work. Anyhow, what about the actual issue?

I just tried what you are doing in a fresh kubuntu 21.04 vm, issue doesn’t reproduce.

Maybe you have some issue with the file system, it allows creating and listing files but not reading them? Is it a local fs? After creating the footprint can you open the file in a text editor and see some contents?

I would look for the new a_testfootprint in all the other libraries (i.e. all .pretty folders). Starting with the Electromechanical library.

Thanks for testing @qu1ck that’s a valuable info. So I need to figure out what’s wrong with my setup. What’s the best way to reset all the preferences?
There is nothing unusual with the file system.

KiCad stores all its preferences in a single directory Where are the configuration files (settings, library tables)?

Deleting its content should get you back to the factory setup. But this seems a bit like using an atom bomb to solve the issue so maybe at least make a backup.

I deleted all the preferences, purged kicad, reinstalled, still the same issue.
It works on a different computer with the same OS just as expected. I’m baffled.

Just tried a screen recording for another issue: File is too big for upload. Going to stick with compressed gifs.

Still not able to add footprints. I’m desperate for a solution.

on reopening KiCad I get

Moved the project folder to the desktop and now it seems to be working:


Will investigate later what the problem was. One umlaut in the path possibly?

If you will be able to narrow it down to specific root cause and report it here or even better on gitlab, you will help devs fix it.

Bug report here:

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So this is another unicode or alternate codepage vs ascii issue then?

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