Cannot select footprints when view preset: dimmed/hidden

I’m not sure if I inadvertently changed a setting or if this is a bug. Suddenly, I cannot select footprints on either the top or bottom layers when the View preset is set to Hidden or Dimmed. However, selection still works with the Normal View preset or when using Search/Get and Move Footprint.

Is there a specific setting that could cause this behavior?
KiCad 8.0.8 on Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS

Which layer is active if you are in dimmed/hidden display mode?
Which objects are enabled in the selection filter?

Try removing your .kicad_prl file

Or try the latest 8.0 testing build.

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Footprint resides on either front or back. You have to activate a front or a back layer, respectively, on which the footprint has something. For example, if an SMD footprint has silkscreen and fab outlines, and it resides on the back layer, you can activate either back copper, back silk or back fab layer. Other layers are dimmed, but you can select the footprint by clicking on it. That’s how it works for me, and it’s expected.

EDIT: v9rc. Yeah, it may be a bug in an older v8.

top or bottom layer active (F.Cu/B.Cu), all objects enabled in the selection filter. interestingly footprints can be selected from all layers in which the footprint have something, except for the copper layers. (e.g. i can select the footprint from F.silkscreen layer, but not from F.Cu layer)

Deleting the .kicad_prl file resolved the issue in my case, thank you!

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I assume you opened the project with a nightly build at some point?

Yes I did, though I did not associate this issue with opening it with a different build as I had opened the project with a more recent nightly build, then worked on it without any problem for 2 days until the problem suddenly started…

OK, this is a known issue that is already fixed in newer nightlies and 8.0 testing builds.

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