Cannot route PCB tracks to footprint

Hi all, first post here,

I have recently started using KiCad 7, changing from Express PCB and have a problem with routing- I cannot seem to attach PCB tracks to any of the pins of the downloaded footprints i have, it seems they are locked out somehow, can someone please show me how to solve this? I’m sure its something I’m doing wrong, rather than a bug.

Thanks in advance,


Have you created a schematic?

Welcome to the forum.

Are you trying to draw tracks between footprints on a layout without a schematic?

Yes I have a full schematic with all items on the pcb included there with matching footprints to the symbols

Hi, no I did start with the schematic first.
I downloaded a footprint and symbol of a 35 way Ampseal header, I cannot rout the tracks from say a resistor to any of those pins, it does not allow me to and appears to be locked out…

This is an example, It wont allow me to attach the track to any of the pins… hope this makes sense

KiCad’s workflow assumes you have entered a schematic with connections between the symbols to form a list of nets before proceeding to design the layout. Layout will not let yiu draw tracks between pads that are not in the same net.

I would recommend getting acquainted with the workflow in the Getting Started document here:


I have linked all connections via Lables with identical names, this has happened between components such as caps, resistors and transistors but does not seem to work with the plug…

Best you archive the project and attach it to a post for others to examine. If your level does not allow you to create attachments, wait for a moderator to up your level, or increase your level by reading more threads on this forum.

But one thing missing from the pads in your screenshot are the net IDs, even if they are autogenerated. So are they really connected in the schematic? If you have set the grid too fine, they may not really be.

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Hi Wombat,
The downloaded footprints are from where?
If not from the Kicad libraries, were they downloaded into personal libraries?

The workflow for Kicad is:

  • Create a schematic.
  • Assign the footprint from either Kicad or Personal footprint libraries to each symbol on the schematic through their Symbol Properties (right key click on symbol OR hotkey E)
  • Annotate the schematic (in Tools)
  • Update PCB from Schematic (in tools)
  • Open PCB and start making a board. (everything from the schematic will be present)

Hope this helps :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hello again,
This FAQ explains what is required to self promote yourself to Basic for posting more stuff.

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Downloaded them from SnapEDA., a lot of the things from SnapEDA, even if they say they are for KiCad 6 and above, don’t work in 7 for some reason…

I have found my mistake, I had written all the pins in lower case when the passive and active components were written in upper case :flushed:

Did not realise this would be an issue but it is!

Thanks again!

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Hidden and stacked pins can also be a problem. See this thread from a few days ago. :slightly_smiling_face:

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SnapEDA symbols are often deficient with respect to pin electrical types as you will discover when using ERC. Use with caution.


Yes, KiCad naming is case sensitive. It catches many users


Just throwing an idea out there - you could have the grid setup wrong when compared to component or accidently changed it between placing component and drawing track.

It been a while since I used KiCAD but I’m sure there was an align to grid somewhere (perhaps RMB menu).

As I said just suggestion


Yes, the grid setup was not right, I did end up adjusting this (cant remember the setting) and got it sorted.

Thank you!

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