Cannot customize PCB pad number color

I am about to make my own color scheme in KiCad, especially the PCB editor, because I can’t make friends with black backgrounds.
Seems like I can change almost any color, with this exception. The color for the pin numbers, GND and the like, I haven’t found out how to change this.
With a white background, as I want to use, this text will become invisible.
How do I change this color, what is the name for this text?

You mean “pad” number.
This cannot be changed. Nor can the net information on pads and tracks.

The use of white text color assumes a dark background. But since the background color can be anything from black to white, I want the latter, the text color should be customizable too, IMHO.
Can I leave a feature request for customizable text color (pad number and net information) somewhere?

Wait a while on this topic to see if anybody has other ideas. If there is none, feel free to submit an issue at the KiCad Gitlab repository, and then report back here wth the link so that other interested people can upvote it. Easiest way to get there is from Help > Report Bug.

You can also change the category of this topic to Feature Request at that point.


Upvote for retiredfeline. It looks like the pad name text and net name info was just forgotten to add to the list.

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Pins, pin numbers and pin names can all be changed in the symbol and schematic. Pads in the PCB.
I think the only things that cannot be changed anywhere are the pad numbers and net info. :frowning_face:

I edited your thread title to read pad instead of pin.

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I dunno if this is the way to do it, please correct me if it should be done another way:

You have to follow the template carefully.
Creating bug reports on gitlab is different from communicating on this forum. On this forum It’s ok to post somewhat fuzzy things and the meaning and intention will become clearer after a few interactions. For gitlab bug reports are expected to be more precise and identify the the problem unambiguously in a single post so they can be fixed.

You did not follow the template, and you also did not add your version information. Version information is almost always important for bug reports, and too many people forgot to add their version information. And therefore, at sometime a bot was added that simply closes all issues which do not have version information added. And as a result, nobody will even read your issue on gitlab.

KiCad Bot@kicad-bot· 11 minutes ago

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:stop_sign: This issue is missing the required full version information.

You will get all the version info filled in if you start the Feature Request (Bug Report) from the KiCad Help > About KiCad . . .



There is a title called “Issues” in the left hand column when you open a New Issue. Select that and read a few bug reports to see the best way to word your request, and what is required.

When you have created an acceptable Feature Request, post the link in this forum so those reading will easily find it and can give approval.

What about this one:

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I happliy gave it a :+1:

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That new one is a lot better.

For the next time, leave the headers such as “Description” and “Steps to reproduce” in place and also fill in those parts of the template.

Note for those who gave the new issue a thumbs up, there was an existing issue so the new issue was closed as duplicate.
Consider giving the older issue those thumbs up:

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Ok. At least I am not alone wanting his feature.
I gave it my thumb up, hope that others will join me.