Can you place components from the schematic into pcbnew one at a time?

If you have a very large schematic with a lot of parts, can you bring the parts into your PCB one at a time or in subsets?

No (unless this feature is added in the last nightlies, what I doubt).

But when footprints are spread out, they are grouped by the hierarchical sheets in the schematic.
I presume you have used hierarchical sheets if your design is large.

Another shorcut is the T command to get and move a footprint, one at a time.

Parts that have no footprint are ignored in the netlist.
Thus, if I have a large disign, I assign the footprints step by step, create a new netlist, update the netlist in pcbnew.

I’m not sure that’s what’s happening under the hood. PCB simply cannot place a component without a footrprint so ignores it. I don’t think the netlist is involved, otherwise you would have to assign footprints before simulating the circuit.

EDIT. After checking it seems ‘netlist’ doesn’t come into play with eschema the same way I’d expect.

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