Can Not Connect Components (No Grid Problem)

Hi folks!

As one can see in the attached screen shot I can not connect components with a wire. It is no grind problem. The components are standard components (50 mil grid) and I am also drawing the schematic with 50 mil. The KiCaD version is 22-June-2014 BZR 4027. What could be the problem?

Thank you for your answers.



UPDATE: It seems to be some displaying problem as I have it too when I open an old project, that worked before. Is it possibly due to my wm (i3wm)?

KiCAD is currently at version 7364 for the bleeding edge and at 4.0.4 for the stable version, which is approx somewhere around 6500-7000 I think (sans the bleeding edge stuff, just bugfixes).
Will be hard to troubleshoot as no one is using such an old version of it really.

Allright. Thanks. Just Debian problems … :frowning: I will try to manage to get a newer version.