Can KiCad "rubber band" drag like Eagle

I am new to KiCad, after using Eagle for the last 20 years. (Death to you Autodesk, Death to you for your licensing agreement that puts you unilaterally in charge of my destiny!)
Anyway, I am getting pretty OK with KiCad, but a feature I am desperately missing (or more likely not understanding) is the ability to pick up a component, and drag it along with its last-leg of its traces to a new location. With Eagle, this is automatic. You “MOve”, click on a component, and as you move it, the last-leg of the traces stretch like rats nest wires as you move it.

With KiCad, when I “G”-drag, the component(s) the last-leg of the traces do not move with the component. Is there a way to do this? It is very helpful to have that drag, because sometimes I need to move a block of stuff that is already routed and its nice to see the traces that I have to move, not just rats nested wires.



Yup - just tested this in “legacy mode” and it works fine – are there any issues with switching modes while doing layouts? Like are traces from legacy mode not going to “show up” in the GL mode? Or is switching modes during (what could be quit a complex layout) a normal and OK thing to do? Or am I on untested ground here?

It’s OK to switch tools.

In 5.99 (development version leading to 6.0) the legacy canvas has been removed, but as you can see in the bug report, we can hope that we will get full push’n’shove footprint dragging, which is of course an order of magnitude better.

It has been removed on quite a few linux builds for 5.x as well. (fedora is one of the platforms without support for legacy in 5.1.5)

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