Can Kicad PCB import pictures

How can I import external picture into my PCB like I import picure into my .sch as picture below

How would you use those pictures?

Are you meaning something like png graphics or bitmaps

Do you want it as a background image for documentation?
do you want graphics on the final product? (copper or silk layer)

Do you have it as vector graphic or pixel graphic?

There is some feature request about:

I don’t believe there are any “gray scale” capabilities so it would never appear on a PCB. Although a 2D logo would be nice I suppose.

The new OP opened two threads and has not replied to either.
This is sometimes spammer behaviour, so I am watching. :cop:

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I think mei wants to use Kicad for reverse engineering of an “existing PCB”.
By importing a photo of the trace side of the board, one could place the resistors, caps. symbols on layers above the photo.
Then add the traces to connect the symbols.
This would then give you the schematic of the existing PCB, for troubleshooting and documentation.
“Target 3001” software does this for around $4,000 USD.

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