Can I save pcbnew as ASCii file?

I will order smt, but, SMT office requests ASCii of PCB file.

Can I save?

Please elaborate what you mean, give a link to some information or show some example. KiCad’s PCB file is ASCII text if you don’t use unicode characters in texts, but the “SMT office” (whatever it is) hardly cares about that.

Generally, when manufacturers are requesting ASC files, they mean the .ASC output from commercial CAD tools. You can typically send IPC-356D files and/or GenCAD output in addition to the Gerber files to these manufacturers as what they really want are the netlists and test points.

That’s exactly what it says. I provided Gerber output and cam, but I was wondering if it would be possible to save the pcb file ascii file from smt company. I’ve never heard of it before, so I’d like to inquire.

eelik tried to explain that your description of “ASCii” is not very clear.

In general, ASCII is a far too generic term. It used to mean “plain text”, (But plain text describing what?)

Apparently LT-Spice uses some “ASC” file format:

I looked up that “IPC-356D” that Seth mentioned and that may also be what you want.
Apparently KiCad has support for this format (Waring, very technical stuff ahead:

I’m not sure though which buttons to push in KiCad to generate that output format.

It’s from PCB editor > File > Fabrication Outputs > IPC-D-356 Netlist File. (Learnt something new today.)

Here’s the output from my project. No idea what it could do for me.

modularnixie.d356 (9.2 KB)

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