Can I add company logo to default schematic frame?

Is there a way(even making my own scripts) that I can load my company logo file into the schematic frame, and so that that can be applied to every new sheet I create late in a same project? I couldnt find solutions through google…Hopefully someone can help. I would be really appreciate that.

Hi Yaran,

what KiCad version do you use?
in the current builds there is a new tool ‘Pl_Editor’ (Worksheet editor)
there you can design your own layout - including images.
(i have done this for the projects iam doing for the office…)
it works.

only thing is - the svg-export does not include the images… ( i think thats a bug - but i did not check if it is in the bugtracker…)

for the editor exists a help file (pdf) that explains how to do it.

if you have your ‘*.kicad_wks’ file you can load this in your newly created document in Eeschema and PCBnew (File - Page Settings - at the bottom right is a field ‘page layout description file’:

sunny greetings


Hi everyone,
I just started with KiCAD and I’m drawing a layout. I managed to load a logo and it’s fine. I read the help file chapter 4.1 and it’s written that I can make up to 10 comments using the formats symbols “%Cx = comment (x = 0 to 9 to identify the comment)”
It works perfectly for symbols %C0 to %C3 but the “page settings” dialogue box contains only 4 comments fields. How can I set the 6 last fields?
I hope any of you guys can help me.
Thank you for the answers. Have a nice day.