I’ve been trying to stress test my latest version of RenumKicadPCB (for geographically renumbering PCBs, back annotating the schematic and netlist (new function)) and the biggest project I’ve found is ICEZUM but I’d like to test the application on a really big board.
If anybody has any suggestions, I’d appreciate it …
Thanks - I’m the author of RenumKicadPCB. I jut did a bug fix and decided to include renumbering the netlist so you don’t have to rebuild the netlist in Kicad after running it.
I think this just came up and was an OS specific thing. MAC? I don’t remember the specifics but I think format conversion was involved. I’ll see if I can do a quick search. It wasn’t that old a topic.
I’m on windows. I’ll spend some time trying to sort it out. I’m not a Kicad guru (or a c guru) so these sort of things always take me a lot longer.
As noted my wish is to stress test RenumKiCadPCB on a really big project. It works find on ICEZUM (which is a wonderful piece of work) but all my designs are pretty simple.
I’ll try figure out the PNG issue or library issue on the laptop but if anybody has a suggestion, I’d appreciate it.