CADSTAR IMPORT --- how do I turn on numbering for all components

I have a CADSTAR import and have about 15 stubborn untracked notifications.
Very often it seems, resistors with pins 1 and 2 require swapping around.
What would really help me is if I could see these pin numbers of the schematic.

Is there any way I could simply turn these on, i.e. make them visible?

A colleague just showed me :slight_smile: select the component in the schematic. right click. tick the show pin numbers check box…

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Also, it appears that Cadstar has some sort of built in method to ignore pin numbers for resistors (and capacitors?) and/or do automatic pin swapping. If you know more about that, then it may be worthwhile to report that on gitlab, so that information can be used to improve the Cadstar importer.