Bus signal names for hierarchical schematics

Hi, I seek some advice here from more experienced users here. For the first time I’m working on a schematic where I do intend to use buses in a hierarchical sheet system.
My area of interest is the scenario where I have different naming convention for bus connections between the root sheet and hierarchical sheet.
I understand that for sub-sheet I can have bus signals connected to one of my hierarchical pins (which will become a port of hierarchical bus). This hierarchical bus carries its original signal names. On the root schematic I can connect to this hierarchical bus pin to get it’s original signals, but if I use different naming on the root schematic, they will not connect.
Is there an elegant way of cross-linking these signals? Or do I need to use exaclty the same signal names (labels) for the whole schematic ? This way it would be easy, but then the schematic blocks would be harder to re-use. So may be there are some tricks I could learn?

A bus can be renamed when going though a hierarchical sheet connector. In the link below, I created an example with two identical sheets, but with different connections on the PCB.

But I do not use buses frequent enough and forgot the details myself, but it should be easy if you fiddle a bit with that example.

OK I’ve started to play with your example a bit, and it partially works.
For simple buses (non-listed) KiCad can maintain connectivity even if the bus members are having diferent names on both ends.
E.g. can connect BUS_[7…0] with SIGNAL_[7…0], even without additinal Root-level bus rename.
However at the time you start using listed buses (like {R[7…0] G[7…0]} to {RED[7…0] GREEN[7…0]} ) it fails, like it’s a bit too much for KiCad.
Need to keep exploring…

As I wrote earlier, I’m fuzzy on the details, but I do recall that naming the bus in the root sheet too is important for proper connectivity.

In you example, only the Extra_sheet carries different net names (as both Some_sheet sheets are basically same file). And this is the one that gives connectivity troubles.
I can get simple (only one signal set) buses cross-connected, but this does not work for muliple signal labels (like some RGB connection for example).

I never used combinations of vector buses ( someBus[1…7] ) and group buses {SDA SCL} in one single bus. I have not yet had the need for that. For group buses I always exclusively use aliases.

For instance. {I2C} of the attached image is an allias for {SDA SCL}.

As heavy bus user I know that labels in the rootsheet are hardly needed. I actually can’t recall a scenario that is was needed, but perhaps… IDK.

What perhaps might be useful to you is to use prefixes.

For instance if I were to use more than 1 I2C bus, one for an OLED and one for a button Matrix. Both the subsheets for the OLED and matrix can still use {I2C} as bus name. This is no different than usual.

But in the MCU sheet (where both buses would exist) I would need to add a prefix like
OLED{I2C} with the labels being named OLED.SDA and OLED.SCL and the other bus would be named matrix{I2C} with the labels matrix.SDA and matrix.SCL.

In the oled and matrix subsheets you could also add the same prefixes if you prefer but technically you wouldn’t have to.

I put the label names on top of the sheets for you.

Also I would like to refer to the manual. I’d say, if not done yet, read it once and go practice and trial and error yourself. That oughta teach you :stuck_out_tongue:

Hope any of it helps :wink:


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