Buried Via/ Blind Via

Hello, I am trying to use Buried Via/ Blind Via in my project but every time I am trying to do so it says the change in the design rules. I tried by file–>Board setup – > design rules . But I am unable to find any such option. I am using kicad 5.1 and the design is for a 4-layer board. Due to my size constraints, I am using this method. Please help me out here.
Thanks in advance.

I never used blind via’s but I experimented with it for a few minutes and it seems to work for me.

First, in Board Setup I enabled 4 layers and enabled the [V] Allow Blind/Buried Vias.

Then I changed the layer pair to “F.Cu” and “In1.Cu”:

After that, while drawing a track with “x”, I added a blind via with [RMB] and selecting a blind via from the popup menu.
The result is in the 3D viewer:, with turned off solder mask and board boundaries.

Second via from the bottom is a blind via.


Board Setup | Design Rules | Allow blind/burred vias

Apart from that you will need somewhat deeper pockets to have this type of PCB manufactured!

Good luck.

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I agree with Jos here:
Check board prices before committing yourself to such designs.

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Thank you paulvdh for helping me out so quickly. I highly appreciate the response. Thanks again…

Money is not a constrained but the space is thanks for your reply.

Apart from (nearly) unlimited government budgets there may also be some issues with manufacturability of the board.
Pcbnew lets me draw a board like the screenshot below, and DRC is quite happy with this 6-layer board.

Are you certain that you need to go this route? Using an extra couple of layers and via in pad (200um or 250um via) will have fewer manufacturing issues and be considerably cheaper


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