Bulk update Symbol Fields Table

Hi folks.

I have been making bulk updates via the Symbol Fields Table, which is a fantastic tool. However, when I close the table and go back to the Schematic Editor, all of the newly-updated symbol fields are visible, “polluting” the schematic to the point of it being unreadable. I have spent some time trying to find a ‘select all’ option for these custom fields in order to switch them off. I’ve poured over the Kicad user guides to no avail, but I may have missed something.

Does anyone know how to bulk toggle-off these fields?

which kicad version?


The latest Mac OSX version 9.0.0.

As far as I know there is no option to bulk toggle off specificly only these fields.

You may try the Edit–>Edit Text&graphics Properties dialog (picture). But this sets all symbol fields to “not visible”

It may also help to set the selection filter (only visible if hierarchie panel is visible) to “only text”. This helps in selecting the new added fields. With “Delete” key you set all these selected fields to “not visible”.

This solved the issue. Thank you so very much!

I believe this is a regression from KiCAD 8’s default behaviour. In KiCAD 9, if you add a field from the “Symbol Fields Table” the default is to automatically show in schematic. However, if you add a new field through the “Field Template” or on the individual symbol property, the default is to not show in schematic.

This seems inconsistent in the design and different from KiCAD 8. In large designs it’s very inconvenient to manually make each field invisible once you’ve used the bulk update feature using the “Symbol Fields Table”

This has been fixed for v9.0.1, you can probably try it now using the testing builds for v9.
New symbol fields are default visible when added from BOM tool (#20212) · Issues · KiCad / KiCad Source Code / kicad · GitLab

Thank you! I was searching on open issues, I forgot to check closed ones on gitlab. Glad it’s fixed.