Building package wxpython:x64-windows failed with: BUILD_FAILED

vcpkg fails to install wxpython. Fresh setup, kicad vcpkg clone.

Here is the error log mentioned in the console error message:
prepare-ensurepip–err.log (1.4 KB)

Any ideas? Help appreciated.

I had the same (or similar) issues.

I still do not have a complete understanding of the problem, but uninstalling my system’s python, caused vcpkg’s python library to work. That was one part of the problem.
Second part was system’s locale settings

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Unistalling the system’s Python worked indeed. I don’t even try to understand, why :slightly_smiling_face:
Locale was no issue as I am all English (though German speaking Austrian).

Thanks, saved me a lot of time.

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There are currently no released wxPython packages for Python 3.10.
So, after uninstalling your Python 3.10, you are using an older version, which has packages on pip.

Not quite. We have our own custom build chain on windows and wxpython on python 3.10 is part of that :wink:

OP’s problem is apparently I need to fix python program priority in the vcpkg toolchain setup because it picked the system python instead of vcpkg python.


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