[Bug V5.99] No Mime type for .kicad_pro

In KiCad V5.99 the extension of the project file changed from “[project].pro” to “[project].kicad_pro”.

On my Linux Mint system, there is no mime type for “[project].kicad_pro” and my OS thinks it’s a text file.

If this is just a quirk on my particular system I’ll let it go, but if others ( Linux, Mac, Windoze) are also affected by this, I’ll make a bug report for it.

I use kubuntu. In KDE system preferences, file associations it is possible to assign .kicad_pro to kicad nigthly. As my system is set to Spanish I cannot tell you the exact paths to do it.

In other desktop managers there must be a similar feature.

Manually adjusting file associations should not be necessary and should be a part of the install process.
At the moment I assume this was overlooked when the filename was changed from “.pro” to “.kicad_pro”, and if this is true, it is a bug.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<mime-info xmlns="http://www.freedesktop.org/standards/shared-mime-info">
        <mime-type type="application/x-kicad-project">
                <sub-class-of type="text/plain"/>
                <comment>KiCad Project</comment>
                <comment xml:lang="fr">Projet KiCad</comment>
                <glob pattern="*.pro"/>
                <glob pattern="*.kicad_pro"/>
        <mime-type type="application/x-kicad-schematic">
                <sub-class-of type="text/plain"/>
                <comment>KiCad Schematic</comment>
                <comment xml:lang="fr">Schéma électronique KiCad</comment>
                <glob pattern="*.sch"/>
                <glob pattern="*.kicad_sch"/>
        <mime-type type="application/x-kicad-pcb">
                <sub-class-of type="text/plain"/>
                <comment>KiCad Printed Circuit Board</comment>
                <comment xml:lang="fr">Circuit imprimé KiCad</comment>
                <glob pattern="*.kicad_pcb"/>

This is from the current source. If the mime infor is lacking from some platfrom, it’s probably a packaging issue, not KiCad source code issue.

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On xubuntu 20.04 the project is opened as text file too.

works fine on Gentoo (ie opens with kicad) so I guess it is todo with the distro-specific builds

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