I think I found an error in the software or something I’m not doing correctly. When copying components from the library, to a new project library for modifications, the program copies several components and then the software has an erratic operation.
Whether using the copy and then paste option in the library (it has worked for me in previous versions) or using the “save a copy as” option, it generates the same error for me.
I also thought it might be some functionality of aliases or virtual components that depend on others, although it was not known about the existence of this in KiCAD and I had never seen it before. Forgive me for my mistake, although the fact that when you click on the components these are selected and cannot be deselected, as well as being able to delete them (I have to close the window without saving the changes), I thought it was a program error.
Solve my design by creating zero components and not starting from another.
Just copy the “root” component in the library (the one other aliases are using as a base) - the one that’s not displayed in italic.
Then enter its properties, “Aliases” tab and delete all aliases if you don’t want them.