BreadBoard and Simulation

UPDATE: I leave the Original post-content and Add the following:
• Posted a Video on YouTube containg BreadBoard usage in Kicad
• The posted Info for the Video contains Link to GitHub where the Footprints, Symbol, STEP files are posted

PCB nor BreadBoard(BB) is needed for Simulating minimal circuits like the Capacitor tester below (you can hook-up with Wires and Alligator Clips…) but, Mini BB’s are clean and quick to use and the BB and Jumpers are simply Footprints that can be Dropped into the PCB-Editor…

Original Content:
Sometimes I do hobby Simulations on BreadBoards in Kicad to amuse myself.

I revised my Mini-Breadboard and made a new Symbol for it, annotated and set simulation parameters…

BreadBoard has nothing to do with the Simulation (thus, attribute set to ‘Exclude from Simulation’)

Result below


Interesting that you can patch parts on the BB and run a sim. This also looks like a great way to generate breadboard hookup renderings for a manual – even for a non-sim application where you just want to show a student how to reproduce a proto! Those color-coded resistors are a nice touch. Can inter-pin caps or some parasitics be added for sim?

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Like many folks that build circuits ‘we’ tinkered with BreadBoards and know the convenience/simplicity of using them… Heck, I’ve even built full large BB circuits and put them into Housings/Boxes rather than building PCB’s…

That I (any User) can choose to Simulate in Kicad/other a Circuit that’s laid out on a BB makes it a low-cost approach without needing to wait for a PCB to arrive.

In Kicad, the Schematic can have a Symbol that Parrots a BB (and is linked to a BB Footprint makes it easy to do… if you watch the Video, I hope it was clear to see that…).

Not sure what you mean by “Can inter-pin caps or some parasitics be added for sim?” I don’t know what ‘pin-caps’ are unless meaning Capacitors with Pin’s… but, ‘Yes’ various Simulations can and do include ‘parasitics’, usually in Resistance and implementation is about the simulation model of the part.

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