BOM script to group by sheetname

Hi All,
New to the forum…

Looking for a BOM scripts that groups by Sheetname then Component. Would be greatful is thier is some example Python scripe I can try.


Welcome audio-marquis!

This is a great question. In my experience, I highly recommend using a tool called KiBoM: GitHub - SchrodingersGat/KiBoM: Configurable BoM generation tool for KiCad EDA (

I find it to be a fantastic tool for doing exactly what you are asking. No need to write a python script for the layout (which is honestly much less trivial than you would think), as you create easily readable config files for each type of BOM you need to generate. Great for generating BOM formats for the popular board houses without having to manually edit the files to discard unwanted parameters.

Take a stab at setting it up and getting it running. The documentation is very good, so read it all and it should make sense. The only tricky part I would say is getting the command formatted correctly in the BOM generator window (in eeschema). I think it is covered in the documentation in the GitHub repo, but in case not, here is a hint of how to format it, or at least what typically works for me (you should read all the instructions first though to have more context here):

python "C:\Users\user\projects\" --cfg "C:\Users\user\projects\bom_sort_components.ini" "%I" "%O.csv"

Nice thing is that it can export .csv, .xlsx and even .html files

Let me know if that helps at all!

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