I have to make a BOM for the first time in V5.
I see that for many BOM plugins you can select the Command line to be used has in its contents “%O.csv” but command line automatically entered has “%O” only.
It should always be manually edited, or I missed some settings which will set default command line to be as it should be?
it should be edited, but only the first time you use it, afterwards it retains the “.csv” value.
I noticed that KiCad remembers the modification but was interested if someone form some unknown for me reason would need to use two BOM formats can make it that way that he just selects the plugin.
KiCad does not know what file type a particular script generates so it can not really know which file ending to give the file. (I suspect the best option would be if the script would add the file ending as needed but am not aware if any script does it that way.)
But if you select the plugin then something desribed inside it as @package (I don’t know what it is in Python sense) is copied to window to inform user how to use it.
May be something like that could be used to fill the Command line.
One way is to define inside script output file type, other is to give a comment to be used as command after inserting the path.
It would be also good if the temporary (*.xml) file could be deleted after generating bom. Someone who cares about files he has is surprised where from and for what it is.
I don’t like to archive unneeded things so I delete it each time it is generated.
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