BOM displays an entry of only commas

Well this is a trip down the rabbit hole!

Thanks for the heads up on the ERC and DRC, running them and looking into their observations was a magnificent self lesson in Kicad errors. I started with about 80, all pretty much inconsequential but needing to be tidied up. I’m down to the last handful now, mostly down to me not knowing how to deal with connection to off board components, but I’ll get there. I get the ‘#’ in the reference designator to mark a component as off board but dealing with the soldered connecting pads for wiring it in is proving troublesome and I still get warnings. It’s something else to learn so all good.

Many thanks BlackCoffee, your help was invaluable. I really have started to open up Pandora’s box thanks to your advice.

Using the hash tag for marking “off board” parts is (probably) deprecated. It used to be used for power symbols too. Now it is handled with several attributes in the symbol properties.

Excellent! Thanks for the tip Paulvdh, great heads up. I’ll get that in place too. That’s a much more robust way of doing things.

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