Board2Pdf v1.3 released in PCM

Board2Pdf is a KiCad Action Plugin to create good looking pdf files from the board. The outputted pdf is vector based and searchable.

Version 1.3 now released! This version is now available in the Plugin and Content Manager.

Improvements in v1.3

  • Fixed problem with KiCad 7.0.2
  • Per layer selection to plot footprint values and/or reference designators
  • Widget that shows the color of the selected layer
  • Replaced PyPDF4 1.27.0 with pypdf 3.7.0
  • Settings are disabled and enabled to show if currently available
  • Shows the user selected layer name after the standard layer name

For basic functionality Board2Pdf uses pypdf which is included when installing Board2Pdf. You don’t need to install any dependencies if this functionality is enough for you.

If you install PyMuPDF you can create the pdf files about ten times faster.

More details can be found in the Wiki - Install dependencies.

And more information on this release can be found in the Gitlab repo

v1.3 has been tested on KiCad 6.0.11, 7.0.2 and 7.99.


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