Blue Line across vias or hole

Hello ,

Is is a bad design for a blue line to cut across vias or a hole?


Devesh Bhatia

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@Devesh_Bhatia What Layer is the Blue Line on?

Are you talking about the silkscreen? You have the option to keep silk screen off of copper. I think that’s in the gerber options. Some places do it whether you specify it or not.

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No access to that file.

Once your trust level is up you will be able to upload an image to the forum directly.

That image actually makes it more difficult for me to understand what your issue is.

In PcbNew you can un-check the visibility of each layer one layer at a time until the Blue Line is no longer displayed; then you will know which layer the Blue Line is on.

It is on the silk layer.Is it a bad design.

I quite enjoy that Eagle users feel they get better responses to their PCB questions here on the KiCad forum than in the Autodesk support


I was thinking maybe they used legacy in an old version. :smiley:

I would say it’s bad design if the silkscreen line and the pad belong to the same footprint. If not, it’s less bad design but still may be called so. As hermit said, you can exclude maskless areas from silkscreen layer from the generated gerbers. Do that if you are unsure.

I recommend using the 3D view to check how the board looks like. With and without the components. It helps with the silkscreen, too.

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