Best way to resolve 4 pin SPST button with internally connected pins not routing correctly

I have this footprint:

which you see has 2x pin1 and 2x pin2 and in my layout, space is incredibly tight so I am unable to connect some of the duplicated pins and would like them to effectively be NC. This image shows my problem hopefully:


The problem is that I have a nice 2-pin SPST switch symbol in the schematic editor and don’t want to fuss with replacing it with a 4-pin non-switch symbol. What is the best way to make Kicad work properly here?

(I understand that the problem will be fixed for duplicated pin footprints in Kicad 7)


Yeah I’ve used those switches before. Fortunately had enough space to route between duplicated pins.

Maybe edit the footprint to remove the numbers from the pads you won’t be using? Haven’t tried this.

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I use switches such as
Switch momentary pushbutton ESE20C-D 2012.pdf (63.0 KB)

SW_Momentary_PB_ESE-20C341.kicad_mod (1.9 KB)

I would give all of the pins unique numbers, and connect them on the schematic as you want them to be connected on the board. I redundantly connect the pins that are connected together, and I redundantly connect the pins that are connected together. This one seems to have pins labeled A-D instead of 1-4.

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Sadly I think this is the way forwards. That switch is practically identical to the one I have.

Having looked at my design again, I would like the pins connected electrically because they act as bridges for GND to fill zones that are missing a connection.

Which part in schematic editor do you use?

Then I think you will have to give them different numbers and different nets, and organise fill zones to start from two of the pins. That means using a different symbol in the schematic.

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I created a new SPST symbol with 4 pins. Looks weird but works.

I think the way around is to add extra layer to PCB and use footprints as at your original post and connect the pads with the same number at this extra layer. Of course you order PCB without that layer.

Clever. Sneaky. :+1:

This my bug-report is about it:

I didn’t understood perfectly what are the reasons developers can’t assume as I suggested that pads with the same number are simply connected but there are some reasons behind it.

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Fingers crossed for v7

Making symbols in KiCad is not difficult, and I usually make my own. My symbol for this switch is in this symbol file in this zip:

Bobs (1.6 KB)

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