Best symbol for PCB edge connector

Hi all,

I am using KiCad (v5.1.5) to recreate schematic diagrams of old 8 bit computers.

While trying to recreate the venerable C64c, I came across this connector, a pretty standard edge connector (top side only).


My question is: what is the best symbol to use to model this connector?
In the library I have found the following ones that could match:

  • Connector_Generic:Conn_01x06
  • Connector:Conn_01x06_Male

Is there a better one?

Thanks in advance.

If there are pads top and bottom, that would be a 12 way connector?

So I would suggest Connector:Conn_02x06_Male. It doesn’t really matter which style you choose, it is a matter of taste.


Hi @bobc,
Thanks for the reply.

The pads are actually only on the top layer: the original schematic shows that as a 6 pin connector to the tape drive.

I think I’ll go with the generic one. I like the symbol better :smiley:

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The schematic is used to convey information. Legibility for you and others is the real goal. The schematic program is your word processor for circuits. Of course as an engineer you want to avoid “Fenimore Cooper’s Literary Offenses”. :wink:

Only if the information is useful. Otherwise the presence of unnecessary detail reduces legibility. Even worse, you end up like Fritzing. :sob:

I have made this longer than usual because I have not had time to make it shorter.


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