Best possible workflow

Fellow Kicad users,

I wanted to show what my optimalized current flow looks like when starting projects from scratch. There were a few problems I had to solve once and for all. And I thought that it could not hurt to post my workflow here. Perhaps it may answer a question or two for somebody one day.

The Problems to overcome

  • rerouting the same things over and over again
  • following the above, redoing silk text placement
  • too big silk texts
  • footprint links
  • vendor ID codes
  • corrected paths to 3D models.
  • prevent as much ERC/DRC errors from occuring as possible
  • much repetetive work in general.

Some default symbols have no footprint links
Some default footprints have no 3D model links
The too big silk texts are also a footprint library thing.

I am not always in the mood to keep exporting symbols & footprints to fix silk texts, vendor ID codes and 3D model links for everything that I use. Much can be solved in the re-useable schematic sheets. The missing 3D model links not being one of them.

Besides reusing schematic sheets I had to start reusing boards as well. This would solve the repetetive routing as well as missing 3D model links. By correcting the 3D model link here, I don’t have to export footprints to my own library. And it is really nice that you don’t have to redo your buck converter circuit.

The prework

The first thing I had to do, was to seperate my big mega schematic with re-useable schematic sheets into seperate projects. This is needed because some schematics need their own unique board files.

When the schematic is good, you can route the thing and fix missing 3D models, such as the lacking inductor(which I still need to do). I also added ground via’s. What I dont add are board outlines or ground planes.

I also keep a list which project uses which numbers. My atmega circuit/board is to be found in like 80% of me projects is within the 2xx range.


All my re-use sheets lie in my ‘general_schematics’ folder. So I pinned that folder to the quick access menu in the windows explorer. This really helps, you will need this folder a lot.

Starting a new project

I am yet to learn about using templates. So that part you won’t find here. I first use Kicad’s main window to create a new empty project.

Than I draw hierarchial schematic sheet boxes for whatever I want to use.

Than I use the ‘insert schematic sheet content’ for every sheet. This will preserve all pre-defined annotations which is really important. This is a schematic for a buck converter. At this point all links to footprints and vendor ID codes are good.

When all hierarchial sheets have their content important I draw the hierachial labels and resize the boxes appropiately. You can ofcourse also use global labels or whatever you prefer. I personally believe that using hierarchial labels and sheets is a form of schematic artwork. The schematic is leading in all things. It is an abstract representation of your board design.

The next logical step is to finalize the schematic. I added a DC jack here in the main sheet, but as this is a dummy project I haven’t connected any of the labels.

Anyways. The thing I learned today, is how to use the ‘append board’ option. It is ofcourse incredibly simple. You just click on it, select a kicad board file and place it somewhere.

The partial board files I import from the general schematics folder have corrected silk text sizes and 3D model links.

I also recommend to start grouping things at this point. This is the imported buck converter. You don’t want miss a line or via when dragging it around right?

When all board components are added, I click on update PCB (or hit F8) to check if the annotation still matches. Sometimes you screw something up by accident. Always take care when doing automatic annotation

When all the components are placed you can start finishing the schematic if you haven’t done that yet and route the board.

Note that the DC jack still has a wrong silk text size. This one goes to my private library.
The missing 3D models for the 2 switches and Inductor will be solved in the re-use board.


  • I still have to place the hierarchial labels in the sheets and replace them. This is one repetetive job I cannot get away from.
  • Like I mentioned earlier. I should start using template projects. I still have to re-run the board setup to set silk text and the screwed up copper-edge clearence. But this I can fix myself.

I think that this workflow works really well if not best for most cases. As long as the annotation, imported schematics and imported boards all check out, you are less likely to slip in a mistake and lose time and or money.

I hope that some of you will find it usefull. And if you have any comments or feedback which can make this even better, feel free to share. I still have many things to learn myself.

Kind regards :tumbler_glass:



Quite an effort you put in here! :+1:

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Least I could do for all the help I received here :+1:t2:

Concerning templates and design rules. I have created a blank board file for that ‘general schematics’ and I run the board setup, setting everything right for me. I have no need for templates. It also looks relative complicated for what it is, but that may be me.

The easiest method to get this board rules information from one project to an other is to just the magic ‘import settings from another board’ button.

Should have thought of this many moons ago :sleeping: :coffee:

No more annoying overlapping courtyart errors for me. :joy:

Now I must learn to use the Kikit plugin to panelize boards. :mechanical_arm:

Kind regards,


I had a play a couple of weeks ago . . . got a little frustrated so did a little reading at the authors GitHub pages, fixed my misunderstanding and was less frustrated :slight_smile: I like KiKit and it’s author a lot, it seems he does a fine job of supporting his PlugIn.

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