Beginner struggles with V6.0 library

Hello. I’m very new. I’ve been using a product called Circuit Studio, related to Altium, but not Altium. I struggle with that too, particularly its libraries. I’ve installed KiCad V6.0. In many ways, it seems heaps better but…
The documentation seems to be for V5.x, not for V6.0. I’ve managed to draw a schematic, but I need to create footprints for at least three simple components.
When I try to follow the documentation for adding a footprint, I get to:
Click on Preferences → Footprint Libraries Manager
That works - Hooray.
The next step in the documentation is:
press the Append Library button
I see no Append Library button
I’ve tried lots of plausible options.
I’ve searched for V6 documentation, but most advice seems to be that there is none yet and it might be some time before kind elves write some.
I’m stuck.

You can create and edit footprints in the “Footprint Manager”. There is a button for it on the right side when you open Kicad

Inside it, on the left side you will see all the default footprint libraries.
You can also create new footprint libraries by going to File → New Library. New footprints are created by selecting the library you want them to go into and then going to File → New Footprint

Hello and welcome @KRA and @Ivan

There is new documentation for Kicad 6 here:

The basic steps for creating footprints (or symbols) are:

1/ Create a personal library in which to place your footprints.
2/ Associate that library with kicad in the footprint manager.
3/ Create your footprint(s) and place in your newly created personal library.
4/ Use your new footprints in your PCB.

Use the same procedure for Symbols, but in a library created for symbols.

Any questions, please ask.

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A more blow by blow method:

Note: All created symbols and footprints have to be stored in personal libraries, not existing kicad libraries.

Start by using your OS to create two folders. Call one, Personal Symbols and the other Personal Footprints… or whatever you like to call them.
Next, open PCB then left click “Create, delete and edit footprints”
Then in the new window “footprint editor” click file / new library / select “global”
Then, up the top, before “pretty” give your library a name.
Then using the LH list, navigate until your created footprint folder is showing in the path then click save.

You now have a footprint library.

Do the same but use your schematic to produce a Symbol library.

Next, go to Preferences / Manage Footprint libraries / Click on the black “folder” , navigate to your newly created footprint library, click “open” give your library a nickname , click OK and you will now find your new library in the library list. If you want your library at the top of the list, prefix it with the number “1” .
Follow the same instructions in the Schematic Editor to create a symbol library.

Now, create your footprint then place it in your new personal footprint library and create your symbol and place it in your symbol library.

Hope this helps :slightly_smiling_face:


(may be offtopic) @KRA, just in case you want to re-use existing footprint from circuit studio in kicad, you can open circuit studio’s file (containing footprint you want to reuse) directly by kicad pcb editor, and save that footprint directly from kicad pcb editor to your kicad footprint library.

If you want to open circuit studio’s pcb file with kicad, you should launch “Pcb editor” alone (from windows start menu, not main kicad app), and import psb via file menu:

Hello Ivan,
Thanks. The bit about File → broke the logjam. I felt I’d looked everywhere, but didn’t think “File”, even though that is where Circuit Studio hides similar accesses.

Hello jmk.
Thanks enormously for the link.
It is just what I’ve been seeking. I have bookmarked it.
Without it, I felt I was using a “Guide to Android” guide to use my iPhone.
Thanks also for your more detailed information in your second response.
It isn’t easy to know how to respond. I also do Photoshop things, and a few years ago, I replied to one query thinking I was replying to a beginner like me.
Oh, boy. Did I get growled at.
Fortunately, your second reply is just right for me. Thanks.


Hello poco,
Thanks for anticipating my next question.
The KiCad library is so comprehensive I thought I might not need to rescue footprints from Circuit Studio, but switches and connectors are an exception, and news that I can do it is wonderful.

Have in mind that each KiCad footprint library is a directory (*.pretty) and each footprint is a separate file. When I want to create my footprint I just copy (using file manager - in my case FreeCommander) one of KiCad’s *.kicad_mod files to one of my libraries (directories) and than I see it in Footprint Editor.
I don’t see it before copying as I have in my footprint library list only my libraries (no KiCad libraries).

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