BeagleBone Green in kicad

I’m new on Kicad, i have a problem, i want to make a electronic card where you can plug a BeagleBone Green, and use the I/O pin.
My problem is : i dont know how to create a symbol for the 46 pin of the BeagleBone Green, and i dont have finded an existing one…
Can someone help me?

There are loads of tutorials out there for creating symbols. One of them can be found in the forum FAQ: Tutorial: How to make a symbol (KiCad v5.1.x)

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I would make a new project from the BeagleBone template and go from there. The connectors are the same between the Green and the Black.

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For v 5.0.2
Symbol - “Conn_02x23_Odd_Even” in “Connector_Generic” library
Footprint - “PinHeader_2x23_P2.54mm_vertical” in “Connector_PinHeader_2.54mm” library

Merci de vos réponses rapides,
J’ai donc utilisé le modèle de BeagleBone.
J’ai réalisé mes differentes connexions aux symboles sur la schematique mais pour le PCB j’ai un probleme je ne peut pas relier les pads des connecteurs aux pad de la beaglebone car il y a un contour (vert/jaune) qui bloque les routes… j’ai chercher les differents réglage mais je ne vois pas d’ou vient le probleme
Merci d’avance

Perhaps you could post an image to show what you mean?

I could drag your text though a translation program and read it.
If you drag your text throug a translation program and post it lots of people here can read it.

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