Battery contact symbol

I am working on a schematic for a battery carriage to hold nine cylindrical alkaline cells in three columns. There should/will be a total of six battery terminal contacts, three on the top of the columns and three on the bottom. I am having trouble figuring out what sort of symbol to use for representing and connecting to the battery contacts. Should I just use +Batt and -Batt for each of the six contacts? Somehow this doesn’t seem like the right approach. Maybe I’m not looking in the right corner of the symbol library. Any ideas would be much appreciated.

Here is a link to the the battery contact component:

contact part

You already said what you need to use as a symbol.

Therefore a connector symbol of kinds will do. There is plenty of connector symbols to chose from. Apart from that you can always make up your own.

Then you assign to that symbol a footprint which stands for the actual physical representation of a given connector you use.

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