Andy, do you mean close the window and reoopen it? I cannot seem to update schematic with new reference values.
I split this topic because it was posted to a three year old post. That’s 21 years in Kicad terms.
But now the questions make no sense any more. (really without context i have no ■■■■■■■ idea what the poster is asking.)
Splitting a topic really only makes sense if the poster brings a post in a different direction (posts off topic for the thread)
A better option might have been to keep the topic as is, inform the poster that the original guys are long gone from this forum and keep it at that. (unless you can answer the question.)
I probably should have asked the poster to start a new thread I guess. Not sure what if anything will be relevant from the old thread to the new circumstances.
My rule is not to split something if the result can not stand on its own. Even if the old stuff might not be relevant to the underlying question.
If you have no further comments on this threat then you can close it to prevent further derailing. The real discussion might for now be best held in the old topic.
I have this annoying habit of assuming people can follow my train(wreck) of though.
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