B.Fab text mirrored - possible bug? Kicad: 8.0.2

Kicad Version: 8.0.2-8.0.2-0~ubuntu22.04.1

All my B.Fab text are mirrored, it seems to be a bug.
How can I flip them?

All back layers look mirrored, because you are looking through the PCB.

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Move them to F.Fab. Fab layers are not manufactured and are for notes.

I never thought much about the backside layers output. Gerber files should never be mirrored, but for artwork (SVG, PDF, etc) KiCad has options to mirror layers, in the output creation dialogs.

I am a bit surprised that the output for the backside layers is not mirrored by default, nor is there an option to mirror the output for all backside layers during batch output creation (Either via: PCB Editor / File / Fabrication Outputs / Plotformat: PDF or PCB Editor / File / Export / SVG). At the moment this means you have to run the output generation twice. Once for the front layers, and once for the layers you want mirrored.

it’s possible to use the mirror function when you click on print.
Mirrored text on Fab has not sense because are unreadlable, the Fab stuff is used to print out the documentation for the PCBA Manufacturer in order to re-check visually where the components are.
I think that Fab must be readable(mirrored) by default.

I am still in V7. I don’t know if you found something not normal in V8.
Normally you see PCB from top so anything at bottom (seen from top) is mirrored. And it looks that you just show such situation.
If someone will use bottom vie printed to visually re-check PCB than he will be not looking at PCB from top but from bottom so the whole printing should be mirrored and texts will be double mirrore so no mirrored.

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