Avoid 11th October Jenkins-426 5.1.x Nightly

This particular build has broken track dragging, should be fixed tomorrow.


Version: (5.99.0-221-g39fa3f263)

Dragging free angle (G) has been broken for a while in master.

A G will position a new set of track segments as expected. However, it will leave the original track segment(s) behind which then will have to be deleted manually.

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is there a bug report for this, our developers are not telepathic and not all of them come to this forum?

Jenkins-427 5.1 is working well

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Have not check for that yet.

That’s what I mean. Using accelerated graphics.

I think few people use unconstrained angles, therefore it may have gone unnoticed.

Be aware of the difference of “jenkins” testing builds and actual nightly builds. They are for 5.1 and 5.99, respectively, and are completely different.

I think this report is the one for you issue. https://bugs.launchpad.net/kicad/+bug/1845844

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It is not that I use them. It’s rather a case of noticing something odd.

I compile master 5.99 an a daily basis to see how things progress, and to keep my own patches in line with the most recent commits.

That is the one :+1:

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