Austrian Law: Spenden an CERN absetzbar?

Sorry for the German language here.

Sind die Spenden an das CERN bez. KiCad als Betriebsausgabe absetzbar?

LG, Karl

Sorry for my english reply;

Thats a question for your tax advisor. It depends on your local tax code and possibly how you book the expense. Are you thinking about donating a cool 1million?

Dear Karl,

A donation to KiCad via the CERN & Society Foundation is tax deductible but cannot be considered a payment for a service, if this is what you were asking.
If you want to benefit from the tax reduction policy from your country of residence, you can donate to the CERN & Society Foundation through the Transnational Giving Europe network:
If they won’t give you the option to earmark the donation to KiCad, then contact us at, and we will do it for you.

Cheers, Benedetta


Thank you very much. We will have a look into that!
[EDIT]: seems, that Austria is still not supported as a country for donors.

US isn’t in the list neither!

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