Array tool usage

I want to make a board that’s basically just a few LED strings. I’ve got a schematic with each string divided into a subsheet. I’m hoping I can make my life easier with the array tool. The ideal would be laying out one subsheet’s worth of components, then using the array tool to replicate it across the board and increment part numbers for each one to correspond to another copy of the subsheet. But the array tool is preserving part numbers. I can’t tell if that’s the intended functionality. This is what I’ve tried.

  1. Select one component (here representative of everything on a subsheet)
  2. Right click, open the array tool
  3. Set up whatever I want of what isn’t greyed out. Hit ok

This results in an array of D1s. I can do it with multiple parts and it replicates all of their part numbers exactly. No matter what settings I change, I can’t get to any of the greyed out settings.

Is there something I’m missing, or is this a bug? Assuming I can get the numbering sorted out, will it be possible to take the ideal method I described earlier, where I lay out one subsheet’s components and then duplicate with Array? I.e. will PCBNew be upset that these “new” parts were created by Array rather than imported from the schematic?

What you need is replicate layout plugin

Ah, it looks like maybe Array only renumbers things when editing footprints. Guess I’ll have to go with plugins after all. KiCAD should really add this functionality natively. Thanks.

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Actually place_footprints is the correct plugin for your need.

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