Array tool Reference designators options

Currently the Array tool has two options for the reference designators:
“Keep existing reference designators”, or “Assign unique reference designators”. I’d like to see a third option: “Increment reference designators”. That would take the reference designator of the selected object and just increment it over the cloned instances.

In the gitlab issue tracker: [Feature request] Array tool Reference designators options (#19126) · Issues · KiCad / KiCad Source Code / kicad · GitLab

This is what the result is for

Have you used this function?
This is the result of a staggered array using Q3 with “Assign unique reference designators”.

Not quite. I want KiCad to intentionally ignore preexisting reference designators.

I suppose you can ask, but I don’t like your chances.

Why would you draw a circuit using D1, D2 & D7 and then want an array of 25 that starts at D3 and omits D7? Wouldn’t it be more obvious to already have D1 to 3 and start the array at D4; or have D1, D2 and D28 and start the array at D3?

Another very obvious use for the Array tool is in the footprint editor for making a connector. Would you ever design a connector without sequentially numbered pads?

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