Are there power symbols available in the local layer sheet?

I’m using hierarchical sheets to create schematics.
Are there power symbols available in the local layer sheet?
I know there is a way to display the power symbol like below using “net label”.
However, Readability doesn’t seem good.

Just make your own power symbols. They will be global, but you can use them on just one page:



Thank you for answer.
However, I want a local power symbol, not a global one.

Well, if a basic local label is too plain, maybe decorate it with a symbol that has no actual pin?

Symbol editor (it takes like a minute to make a symbol):

…and then use it in your schematic (you still need a local net label):

Just thinking out loud…

Thank you for answer.
How can I make a no actaul pin a power symbol?
Where is the menu to make it?
Can I just change the “#PWR” characters to “#SYM”?

You can also use the hierarchical labels directly:

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@ojj: no, local power symbols (which have no effect outside that sheet) are not possible currently.
There is an open feature request on gitlab: Local power port (lp:#1728250) (#2075) · Issues · KiCad / KiCad Source Code / kicad · GitLab

possible workarounds:

  • use local labels (as you have done), this is the option I have seen most often
  • use different power-symbols for every sheet (and be sure to not use them on other sheets - check with the search function)
  • feed the power from the parent sheet trough a hierarchical pin into the sheet (see answer from @der.ule )
  • as addition to option 1: create a purely graphical symbol (no power symbol) and place that in addition to the local label (hint from @teletypeguy ). This is purely for graphical understanding the schematic - this should not change the netlist.

So all your following questions are false:

How can I make a no actaul pin a power symbol?
Where is the menu to make it?
Can I just change the “#PWR” characters to “#SYM”?

the proposed idea was not a real power-symbol, but only a graphical addition. And it was only a idea (“Just thinking out loud…”) - you have to check if that would work for you (and if it’s worth the additional effort).

thanks for the answer.
As shown in the picture, I am doing it by drawing a power symbol graphically.
I am happy thanks to you^^



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