Are there any utilities to import TraxMaker/CircuitMaker PCB designs

I have a bunch of boards that I made using TraxMaker/CircuitMaker many years ago. I’d like to be able to import those and convert them so I can work with and edit them using KiCad going forward. Has anyone successfully imported old designs like that?

As far as I know, about the only solution is: If you have the Gerber files, you can load them into Kicad’s Gerber Viewer Tool and then, File>Export to PCB.

You’ll still need to create new Schematic, only if you want one as it’s not Required to have schematic…

For all the boards that I want to import I only had hand drawn schematics. Just did the board layouts by hand. I have the Gerber files that I used to get boards made in the past. I guess I can try to do a new project and import one to see how it goes. Really just want to get all the layouts in KiCad and edit everything in one place. For new ones I am starting with the schematic section and then layout a board from that. Still have a lot to learn on this tool.

You can import CircuitMaker directly into KiCad, however it is quite tricky to get the CMPcbDoc files which are only cached in %AppData% when your run or download projects into CircuitMaker (if I remember correctly). I don’t know if there is a way to export those files easily.

The CircuitMaker files you find under C:\ProgramData\Altium

in the subfolder “CircuitMaker {” followed by a cryptic numer, mine starts with “5A3F0104-742”
in the subfolder Projects, two levels further down into more cryptic subfolders you find the actual project files *.SchDoc and *.CMPcbDoc

at least that’s how it is on my win10 with circuitmaker 2.2.1

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