I am trying to create a schematic using an arduin nano,the one that comes in the library seems bad with a few pinss mssing and 5v and ground in the wrong places,any ideas?,i am looking at the nano v3 and i am using kicadApplication: KiCad Schematic Editor x64 on x64
I haven’t bothered looking at the symbol, but if the pin numbers are right, it doesn’t matter if the location of the pins doesn’t match the device footprint.
Lots of schematic symbols are re-drawn for clarity (like, all the ground pins are next to each other on one edge). What matters is the pin numbers matching the correct footprint.
thats the whole point tho as all the pins are jumbled up on the footprint as oposed to reality!,how could of kicad be like this?,its pretty pisspoor to have the footprint so wrong on a common part!.
for example on the included footprint for a nano v3 it has gnd+vcc on the bottom end of the board when on the actual pcb they are the first 2 pins on one side not on the bottom edge!,as i said its shit!.
what nano is that called in the symbols library then,my bum one is nano ver3 i think.,but all the nano’s in my library look bad like the pic i posted!.
look at my pic the vin is on the top edge and not on the side,thats my whole point,it doesent match my nano in my hand,the footprint is clearly wrong,at least on this copy of ver8 i have installed.
It’s too late now but the original misconception was not understanding the difference between symbol and footprint; posting about footprints in the schematics category was a giveaway. Symbol pins don’t have to bear any resemblance to the physical layout of pins. Maybe they came from using Fritzing. Well when they can be more polite they can ask the next question.