Any KiCon 2021 rumours?

I’ve been thinking a lot these days about what I want to do When I Get Out of Jail, and KiCon 2021 at CERN is pretty much the top of the list. I know it’s a bit early, but a guy can dream, right?

Understanding nothing is official until it’s announced, I could still enjoy occupying some idle moments looking over hotel and tourism options. As a long-time physics geek, CERN is a bucket list destination. Is there yet a spark of hope this is going to happen (this year)?

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No comments yet? That’s disappointing.

Sorry but we won’t be able to have a conference at CERN in 2021. They aren’t even considering conferences yet.

I am working on an alternate, US-based option. But this will strongly depend on the progress we make against infection rates. As such, it is still too early to make definite plans.

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