Don’t get me wrong, I want kicad to improve too. But your professional software engineer viewpoint is what “pollutes” the view. KiCad doesn’t have an entire staff of paid full-time engineers. The amount of manpower available makes a huge difference in what can be achieved and at what speeds. It also twists what you can “force” on contributors. If you start demanding they write tests instead of features, they may just disappear altogether and you are still stuck in the same position. On the other hand, at a company, you can mandate tests and they either get a paycheck or they don’t
And what really distorts views more is many large open source projects these days are falsely “grass roots” and instead depend very heavily on some company staffing the project with full-time engineers otherwise the project would just die out from their own size.
I am staring at gui tests btw, wxWidgets has the framework for UI action simulation for testing and it looks quite easily doable.