Annotation wants to add extra new footprints to multipart components

This has me pulling my hair out. I have a circuit I’m designing with several op amps and the symbols are added one at a time such as u1a u1b u1c so on and so forth now I’m not sure if I deleted or duplicated a single component say its u1b, annotation wants to make that u2a and flat out refuses to associate it with the original u1 grouping it no matter what. it wants to add a new full component, and on pcbnew it then has an extra footprint with only one part connected to the net, and then missing connections on the other footprint. I’ve tried clearing the annotation, selecting just the offending op amps and renumbering them to no avail, I try to manually make them all the same U number even taking all the mis-annotated symbols out of the circuit and replacing them with new ones, it keeps wanting to split them up into 2 different footprints. aside from stacking the two offending footprints on top of each other in pcbnew how do I fully reset annotation?

Always end your reference descriptors with a digit. They should be U1, U2, etc, not U1A. Otherwise you will see that KiCad will attempt to assign it U1A1.

To make a symbol U1C for example, change the unit to C in its properties.

Provided you have no dupe or unused units (which will elicit ERC errors or warnings) all the units of U1 will be associated with the same footprint.

I am not sure what is going on exactly. As far as I know, KiCad does not change units of symbols during annotation One guess is that you already have an U1B somewhere on your schematic. You can do a Schematic Editor / Edit / Find for it.

By default, KiCad wants to put all units of a symbol on your canvas. You can abort this, but in practice I find it easier to place all units that you are not interested in just outside of the border of your paper. You can use that as a “multi level clipboard” to temporarily park things.

Changing the unit of a symbol is done in it’s properties as retiredfeline already mentioned.

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