An Altium Project To KiCad

I’m writing here because i need your help.
I have an Altium Project that i would like to convert in a KiCad Project.
I have seen a Tutorial video on youtube (, where this man show how to realize this convertion.
I followed the same identical steps he have performed.
At the end, he can see/modify both the schematic and the PCB.
While i can’t see/modify the schematic, but i see anda i can modify the PCB.
How this is possible?
Thanks to everyody will help me!

This tutorial was for an older version of Kicad. That’s about all I have on the subject.

Pcbnew can function as a stand alone application without the cross link connection(s) to Eeschema.

Thanks Jos for you support.
I know that Pcb can function as a stand alone application, but i don’t understand why i can’t open the schematic. It can be possible that is a problem of the conversion?

Hard to tell from the distance. Have you tried their online converter?

Hi Jos,
i tried to use their online converter, but this problem persists.
At this point, what can i do?

As already mentioned that video is almost three years old.

It looks like you will have to follow the procedure as described here.

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